Baltic Bridges. 2010. Depth. Conception
“Baltic Bridges” is an international watercolor project which is being organized for the third time in Lithuania and this year will take place in Vilnius. The biennial is set for artists of various creative spheres. The objective of the project is: revealing the variety of watercolor’s artistic thought, a lively and dynamic approach to the millenary experience of watercolor, seeking for its original angle of form and meaning. We stimulate artists’ experiments on shape and their authentic, modern look at the topic and content of artworks. The most original and creative works will harvest awards and special organizers’ prizes.
The buy propecia online project consists of several events: the main exhibition, the satellite group and personal exhibitions, master classes of contemporary watercolor artists.
Brief history and changes in the present timeThe beginning of the project touches the year 1968, when Latvian artists started the tradition of Baltic States’ watercolor triennials, which were held in Riga (Latvia). Participants of these exhibitions represented their countries on the international stage every third year, having the ability to share experiences of watercolor and to value achievements of their colleagues. The exhibitions undoubtedly induced the progress of Baltic States’ watercolor and a positive competition among watercolorists.
In 2006 the centre of watercolor’s traction was moved to Kaunas city: Lithuania started to organize the event, giving a metaphoric title “Baltic Bridges” to the project. It was decided to organize the exhibition every second year (status of biennial), aiming to reveal the discoveries of watercolor more dynamically. The geographical limits have also expanded strongly – we invite artists from all over the Baltic region to buy levitra participate in the exhibition.
In 2008 the buy clomid online second biennial “Baltic Bridges. Displacements” was organized in Kaunas. There was main exhibition in Kaunas Picture Galery and there were more than 80 artists selected by international jury to participate in this exhibition. Also 3 satellite group and personal exhibitions were organized in other galleries and the conference, devoted to analyze matters of contemporary watercolor.
This year the third biennial “Baltic Bridges. Depth” goes to the capital of Lithuania – Vilnius, which was European Capital of Culture in 2009 and still welcomes artists from different countries to feel the unique spirit of Old Town – the heritage of UNESCO.
The conception. Depth
The conception of Watercolor Biennial ’2010 is outlined by a notion depth, which is open to various creative interpretations. It is one of the most relevant words in the language of art for defining watercolor lightness, volatility, the optical illusion of movement, overflow of color stains. Depth is looking for quality watercolor and meanings tectonics. We suggest to avoid trivial or buy priligy online merely decorative values of self-defining works of watercolor. Give meaning to the profundity.
The organizers of biennial put much value upon greatly mastered traditional means of expression but also encourage not limiting oneself by usual creative methods. Feel free to draw new trajectories in watercolor space, to dive into the very depth.
Eugenijus Nalevaika
Project leader of “Baltic Bridges”
Chief of buy clomid Lithuanian Artists Association